feeling small.

It's once again been too long. I guess a great way not to start off every blog with that sentence is to behave and write more.i've been encouraged to persue a writing career,I really should. My life is one big drama.
I guess my problem today is feeling small and stupid, why else would i blog about the quintessential tiny person? thumbelina!
Facebook will be the death of me. I spend more time letting it ruin my life that i forget the multipile times that i have been the one on the other side of the miscommunication.
still. mr perfect seriously fucked up
his chances at smooth sailing.
The pictures of him with his ex of 6 months that still wants to be back with him, hugging and hanging out with his other friend that specifically told me, Mr. Perfect does like me, is enough to make even the most sanest version of me cringe.
I'm quite detailed today, bitter resentment, perhaps? General pissed off? Most definately.
i love you katja!