Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
she will go down with her ship, like a good captain.
title- obvious.
I guess that brings me to my next topic.
like my title, i too may do down with my ship.
details are irrelevant.
basically i may have started something.
but not finished another.
fuck it. choices are for wankers.
im feeling the inner rebel.
it say a huge big fuck off.
its also ashamed i thought twice.
if shit fucks up ill hide.
plus im running away at the end of the year.
i can hide in a bottle of red.
super rad.
in other news.
my bffl got herself a bf.
congrats all round.
if he breaks her heart ill stab him.
and if she ditches me ill cry :P
i have had ample boy attention.
good effort boys.
highly impressed.
this is rennie ellis's work.
australian photographer.
I saw this exhibition wtih Charlie.
it was one of the nicest days ever.
i rediscovered photography.
i also got drunk.
here is is.
trash photos from the 80s scene.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Puff and Smoke.

but will i. will be enough for those who ask too much? will i even want to be.
what if they want me to be brilliant but im all out of smiles.
or funny but i forgot all my jokes.
what if they ask me to shine for them, brightly...on a day that i simply look dull.
I cant do tricks, or science or maths or string together big words.
i cant dress like a girl or speak politely.
i swear and am often unclassy.
what if a guy wants me to be his perfect woman.
what if he wants someone to be everything im not.
but most of all what if he or they want me to be brave, fearless.
for everything else i may be able to fake.
bravery is not.
Koh what?
Harroooo Terence Koh.

Artist, Sculpturist, homosexual gay boy extrodinaire.
I love that his old website reads as this.

completely dope. and homo.

and yes. i consider Balenciaga tights a work of art.
"What though the radiance which was once so bright
Be now for ever taken from my sight,
Though nothing can bring back the hour
Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower;
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind;
In the primal sympathy
Which having been must ever be;
In the soothing thoughts that spring
Out of human suffering;
In the faith that looks through death,
In years that bring the philosophic mind."
William Wordsworth
It will Kost you.
I'm loving a bit of a polaroid.
there is something uber retro
about a small
sketchy photo, the gainyer the better.
What better way to celebrate my refound
polaroid love
than to post
some Jeremy Kost pics,
King of the polaroid.

Friday, April 16, 2010
downfall of katja not so cute.
another fun weekend for the books.
crazy friday went as follows.
woke up, ate, had a coffee with a dear friend.
dropped madame m to her house for make up.
had beautiful chats with her sisters.
took photos, went to another house, took more photos.
ran home, changed, make up.
lift to p's. 30 mins driving around a car park. china bar.
lj's 21st. red wine. drunken speech. drunken behaviour. slapping of boys. calling people cunts.
lj's 21st. red wine. drunken speech. drunken behaviour. slapping of boys. calling people cunts.
abussive messaging and then seriously skanky messaging.
tonight is another story.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
b f f l s
friends forever.

i want to talk.
friends. i dont know where the line ends between friends and family and with my history sometimes this is a hard thing to work out.
i just want to put a huge shout out to my friends.
lady l. you are the sugar in my coffee, the red to my lipstick. no one else gets the way my hearts beats or breaks. we fight for a fleeting second. we love each other eternally. thank you for always opening your eyes and thank you for accepting when my world turns to child like light.
singing to love song dedications is my fave past time. wine is a close 2nd.
madame m. for everytime we rock out to 'i like that' like we are the dopest mo fos on the block. for egging me on to go to the gym and for keeping me young. we really are two lost souls, never fear though, one day it will all make sense. thank you for the corruption and i promise to never let the world scare or hurt you.
milky. my favourite silly duffer. you pretend to be mean and i pretend to be hurt. but ill always be fluffy to you. i enjoy our giggles and then the contrast of our oh so serious. thank you for letting me openly talk about my vag.
cam. i struggle sometimes to find the line where you end and i start. behind the shed or maccas coffees. you are the only boy that has ever let me be as mentally pyschotic as i want just to protect me from the judgement of other boys. i never have to be a lady around you, yet you always treat me like one. to you, i owe the feeling of acceptance.
cute. flame. ariel. my super star disney character. i know we dont always get to party these days but you never left my side despite other parties falling about around us. you made me feel cute, my love for you is sweet.
then there is a few others.
the girl that is sometimes there, but sometimes not. yet we always manage to rekindle whatever deep and heartfelt friendship we once shared. you are complex and intense and you scare me to death, because i never knew people would be as brilliant as you are.
my twin. you are my other half. i adore you and i enjoy talking gossip and whatnot everytime. we will always be twins, despite my every changing hair cuts. i heart you
the boy that wrote me a song and who makes me laugh nearly ever second im with him. hard times are just a tiny section of our friendship. but im here, no matter what. there is no boundaries to how far id go to protect you.
so there it is. my friends, just a small few of them. i cant love anymore without first acknowledging the ones already here. thank you for being the centre stepping stones to my life.
you have shaped the person i am and you will no doubt help me be the person i desire.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Two lost S O U LS swimming in a fish bowl.
Wish you were here.
I have rekindled my love for this song. If you do anything today, watch this video clip. Some bits are violently honest.
It makes me question social conscious, the world we live and love in. somedays the line between what is and what should be is so fine.
What do I want from the world? What will it give me.
Some days I live in the fish bowl.
It makes me question social conscious, the world we live and love in. somedays the line between what is and what should be is so fine.
What do I want from the world? What will it give me.
Some days I live in the fish bowl.
To mitch, for hating when I write song lyrics, I specifically deleted them cause I know you'll read this...and dislike it.
A friend posted this quote the other day. Its Jack Kerouac.
“The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!”
here are my mad people.
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